Libby App


Libby is a free mobile app where users can borrow ebooks and audio books from their local library. It's currently being used by millions of readers from all over the world. All you need to get started is a library card. After a few rounds of research, we concluded there were some missed opportunities Libby could benefit from introducing. Below you'll find our process from ideation to implementation.


Remote Team

Nick Weingard
Stanton Cambridge


12 Weeks


Competetive Analysis
Persona Development

Observations to Opportunities

After a complete heuristic evaluation, we thought on how to improve or build upon the following findings:


Observation: Libby is a Librarian Character

Libby is your guide through the app. She notifies you when new books arrive and when your rentals are due.

Opportunity: Chat with Libby

Why not chat with Libby to help find your next book? Can we create a chatbot feature that mimics talking to a librarian in person?


Observation: Overwhelming Entry Interface

Upon opening the app it's a bit overwhelming. Many books/genres to choose from. Book discovery is difficult.

Opportunity: Mimic Feeling of a Real Library

How can we bring the exciting feeling of entering a library into the app. The feeling of excitement to discover or learn something new.


Observation: Accessibility and Consistency Issues

Low contrast typography and icons throughout, especially in dark mode (which is what people prefer to read in). Inconsistent colors and styling of CTA’s.

Opportunity: Improve Accessibly, Iconography, and CTA Styles

Increase the size and contrast of type. Update colors so there is a clear distinction between various states. Clean up CTA styles.


Observation: Inundated with Methods to Browse Titles

Too many ways to discover books. So many orientations of titles with no rational.

Opportunity: Simplify Browsing

Create one straight forward way to help users browse and discover new titles to rent.

Affinity Mapping

Here were the main themes that came out of our interviews. Our target audiene was people who read for recreation between the ages of 23 and 65.

Main Takeaways




1.0 Chat with Libby Task Flow


Mimicking the feeling of entering your local library, Libby greets you and is available to chat.

Chat with Libby

An example what the chat looks like once you tap the CTA. She opens with a question to help you get started.

Book Genre Filtering

Libby guides the user through the filtering process the same way they would navigate through a library.

Additional Book Genre Filtering

We utilize buttons to keep the process simple and easy.

Book Medium Filtering

Once the preferred genres are selected, we ask their preferred method of consumption to find books perfectly tailored to them.

Book Reccomendatoins

Libby will suggest books based on your preferences. You can asked additional questions about specific titles or to pull another set of recommendations.

2.0 Reading Goals Task Flow

Your Shelf

This is where users can access and manage your active rentals. We added a progress bar to this screen so users can easily visualize  their progress.

Profile Overlay

This overlay is revealed once the user taps the profile icon located on the top right. Here you can manage your library cards, goals and preferences.

Activity and Goals

This is where users can see their current progress. Users can set a daily reading goal and view their most consumed genres.

Adjust Goals

Users can adjust goals at anytime.

Accessibility and Consistency Updates



  • Increase font weight and contrast.
  • Additional way to access user profile.
  • Changed to teal to keep all clickable elements a consistent color.
  • Added progress bar
  • Gave book more of a three-deminsional look to give a more realistic feel.
  • Created a secondary CTA style to give users additional indicator of clickable objects.
  • Increase contrast and simplified icons to improve scan-ability. Improved contrasted of active state.

Final Thoughts

Would people trust a virtual librarian to recommend books? Would they use it? Should we implement some type of like/review feature so she can get to know you and better recommend titles?

Should we explore a way to give people the option to find the physical books at their local library though Libby?

Is there a way to utilize the chat bot to teach children about the library and help them explore new books? The library is an important place for kids to learn, is there a way foster that through this app?
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